


Chris Lytle Tip -- Impressions

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Chris Lytle Sales Tip: If you've ever made less than a positive first impression on a customer, remember this advice from a very wise person: "No one can go back and make a brand new start. Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."

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Chris Lytle Sales Tip -- The Juggler

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Chris Lytle Sales Tip: "The juggler can't tell you which ball is more important. Drop just one and the show is over." I was particularly intrigued by this thought from Joan Magretta's book, What Management Is. In selling you have to have a lot of balls in the air because some will drop. But the show is not over. You simply add another prospect ...Read more

Chris Lytle Sales Management Tip

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Chris Lytle Sales Management Tip: Too many companies have wishes instead of standards. "I wish my people would make more calls," one manager told me. A standard is a measurable indicator of performance involving a consequence. If you're a manager, confront lack of sustained effort with coaching. If you're in sales, take action instead of looking...Read more

Chris Lytle Tip -- Having Wealth, and Class

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Chris Lytle Tip: Want something to strive for? According to the US Census, the lower limit of the top 5% of household income is $150,499. At the top of that 5% are the super rich, but getting into the "lower upper class" isn't that large a leap for many salespeople. One thing to keep in mind, "class" is more than money. It includes speech, ...Read more

Daegan Smith's "Maximum Leverage" Tips: What Else Might You Have Missed?

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My whole life I thought I didn't like to read, then last night while taking time to read at a snails pace, I realized I DO like to read. In school, the emphasis was always on speed and I didn't realize that's what I basically subconsciously forced myself to do every time I read - speed read. It was never comfortable. I don't like speed reading, ...Read more

Chris Lytle's Success Tip -- Sales like a General

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Chris Lytle's Sales Tip: Does this sound like any sales operation you've worked for? "When generals are weak and lack authority, instructions are not clear, officers and soldiers lack consistency, and they form battle lines every which way; this is a riot." Sun Tzu's warning to military leaders is great advice to sales managers. Deploying ...Read more

Daegan Smith's "Maximum Leverage" Tips: How To Turn Questions Into Revenue

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I think it was Tony Robins who said "It's the quality of your questions that determine to quality of your life," and I always wondered "Why?" Here's what I discovered ... Questions like "What?", "Where?", "When?", and "Who?" are all simple observations and that's where most people stop exploring. "What did he do to get such stellar results in .....Read more

Daegan Smith's "Maximum Leverage" Tips: Business Breakthrough Strategy

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The most worthy business building breakthrough I discovered this year (2011) has been developing the habit of asking NOT "How can I create a win-win?", BUT rather "How can I create a win-win-win?" Try it yourself, finding that extra "win" is almost like finding magic.

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Daegan Smith's "Maximum Leverage" Tips: Why The Glass Is Always Full

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"In times of seeming despair, it helps to focus on questions like "How can I be more resourceful?" and "How can I help others out of their troubles?"

I've found, especially in those rare moments where we're looking throw those "half empty" glasses, it's never about what you have or you think you're losing, it's ALWAYS about what value you can ...Read more

Daegan Smith's "Maximum Leverage" Tips: The Ultimate Success Mentality

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The most profoundly life changing question I've ever asked myself was "How can I ONLY do what I love to do all day everyday?" Once I did, and followed the answers that question lead me to, everything changed.

Click Here To Visit Daegan's Site

Daegan Smith's "Maximum Leverage" Tips: How To Remove Money Getting Resistance

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Note To Self: You never know where money is going to come from or when, and if it's going to come in in a fun way and at an unexpected time then, by all means, don't you turn it away. How to create the opportunity for money to appear out of thin air: Be totally of service, exude excitement without want or need, establish credibility and ...Read more

Chris Lytle's Success Tip -- Vincent Van Gogh and the Art of Selling

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He was not a commercial success during his lifetime, but on May 15, 1990, his "Portrait of Doctor Gachet" sold for $82.5 million at Christie's. Here's how artist Vincent Van Gogh described his approach to painting. "Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together."

The "art of selling" requires the same ...Read more

Chris Lytle Sales Tip -- Sales and Politics

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Chris Lytle Sales Tip: Can a politician teach you anything about sales? Benjamin Disraeli was a British Prime Minister. "The fool wonders, the wise man asks," he said. Of course, a wise man also knows what he doesn't know. Who are you seeing today? What question do you need to ask that person?

Click here to visit ...Read more

Chris Lytle Tip -- Focus

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Chris Lytle Tip -- Focus: "Chronic preoccupation" is epidemic. It means thinking about what you aren't doing rather than paying attention to what you are doing. Cell phones and wireless email now interrupt meetings and derail trains of thought. It's very difficult to be there for your customer when you're available to everyone else. What can you...Read more

Chris Lytle Sales Tip -- Being more Persuasive

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Chris Lytle Sales Tip: Want to be more persuasive? Dale Carnegie offered this timeless advice for winning people to your way of thinking: "To get the best of a situation, avoid arguments." Selling is not about fighting your way to a sale. It's about finding a fit between what your company offers and the solution or outcome that the client ...Read more

Chris Lytle Tip -- Two-way meetings

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Chris Lytle Sales Meeting Tip: The very best meetings with prospects are two-way exchanges of information. Getting people involved in a sales conversation is a lot different than making a sales pitch. "Don't spend hours and hours doing a fancy PowerPoint presentation," suggests a buyer. "Come to me with an idea and let's talk about it." Bringing...Read more

Chris Lytle's Sales Tip -- Don't Worry about Being Liked

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Chris Lytle's Sales Tip: Don't worry about being liked. The prospect doesn't have to like you to buy from you. The prospect does have to trust you and your company. The prospect has to need or want what you're selling. You have to have a service or product to fit the need. Your timing has to be right. And the prospect has to believe that he or ...Read more

Chris Lytle's Sales Tip

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Chris Lytle's Sales Tip: Life is a seminar, and lifelong learners get more out of life. What lessons will you learn today? Who will your teachers be? You never know. Just be open to learning from everyone and every experience.

Click here to visit Lytle's site.

Chris Lytle's Sales Tip -- It's All About Focus

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Chronic preoccupation is epidemic. It means thinking about what you aren't doing rather than paying attention to what you are doing. Cell phones and wireless email now interrupt meetings and derail trains of thought. It's very difficult to be there for your customer when you're available to everyone else. What can you do to bring more customer ...Read more


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