Daegan Smith's "Maximum Leverage" Tips: How To Turn Questions Into Revenue
Published in Business Success Tip
I think it was Tony Robins who said "It's the quality of your questions that determine to quality of your life," and I always wondered "Why?" Here's what I discovered ... Questions like "What?", "Where?", "When?", and "Who?" are all simple observations and that's where most people stop exploring. "What did he do to get such stellar results in ...?" and then they want to copy it, as if "What?" was magic. WRONG! The magic doesn't begin until you understand "Why?" and you can't see "Why?" until you know "How?" You can only discover "How?" something occurs once you know the answer to the first four questions. ONLY after knowing "How?" can the magic of "Why?" be discovered after experiencing "How?" in multiple situations over time and, from that, extrapolating causality = "Why?" (or as close to as we can get). When you understand "Why?" you can finally truly see.
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