


Daniel Radcliffe stars in what limited run Broadway play as Jim Fingal?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Three Tall Women
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
The Lifespan of a Fact

Which record company signed Carmen Electra in the mid-90's?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Paisley Park Records

What film featured Diane Lane's film debut?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

The Outsiders
Streets Of Fire
A Little Romance

Which member of Dave Navarro's family was murdered in 1983?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

His Father
His Brother
His Mother
His Sister

Which fashion fad is Regis Philbin credited with popularizing?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Baggy Pants
Turned Up Collars
Dark Shirts With Dark Ties

Which celebrity got into a food fight at a 2014 Beverly Hill's gala?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Jerry Springer
Dr. Oz
Sharon Osbourne
Tyra Banks

What British royal was humiliated in 2012 when topless photos of her were published?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Princess Beatrice
Queen Elizabeth
Kate Middleton
Sarah Ferguson

How tall is Brad Pitt?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

5' 8"
6' 1"
5' 9"

Who did Rachael Ray marry in 2005?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Bill Smith
Larry Falkner
John Cusimano
Steve Allen

What is fashion designer Yves Saint-Laurent's real name?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Robert Langford Modini
Thomas Michael Moore
Lloyd Vernet Bridges, III
Henri Donat Mathieu

James Cameron best fits which of these descriptions?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Lady Diana's Brother
Poet And Activist
Director Of The Movie "Titanic"
Youthful British Prime Minister

What was the production company Drew Barrymore founded in 1994?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Heart Productions
Flower Films
Drew Productions
Berrymore Films

In which 90's teen movie did Brittany Murphy have her breakout role?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Drop Dead Gorgeous
Girl, Interrupted
She's All That

For what movie did Al Pacino win his first Oscar for best actor?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Out For Justice
Cape Fear
Scent Of A Woman

At which theater did Kevin Bacon study acting?

Entertainment / Celebrity Trivia /

Hometown Theaters
Big City Acting Theater
David H. Acting Studies
Manning St. Actor's Theater


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