Why is it so hard to learn that prosperity doesn't bring happiness?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: We’ve all heard that prosperity brings happiness, but it seems like our nation is getting a needed lesson in the fact that prosperity isn’t the key to peace and contentment, but rather having a thankful heart. Why is this so hard for us to learn? – T.H.
A: When comfort, ease, and pleasure are...Read more
Is it possible to get a second chance to believe in God once we die?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Is it possible to get a second chance to believe in God once we die, and is this getting the last rites, or returning to Earth as a different person? – S.C.
A: The Bible does not teach that we can make a decision for Christ after we breathe our last. In fact, Scripture teaches the opposite. It ...Read more
What is the best way to answer children when they ask the true meaning of Christmas without talking about sin?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: What is the best way to answer children when they ask the true meaning of Christmas without talking about sin? Christmas is a time of joy, not a time of sorrow. – C.M.
A: The purpose of Jesus’ birth cannot be separated from the Christmas story, for the Bible says that Mary “will bring forth a...Read more
Is this a demonstration of the Holy Spirit working?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I was sharing with a co-worker how the Lord saved me from a life of trouble by my own making. When I finished, she just sat there. I got a little nervous but put the question to her: “Would you like to give your life to Christ?” Without a blink and a coldness in her voice, she said, “What’s ...Read more
How can I overcome my depression?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I am ashamed to say that while I know I’m saved and going to Heaven, there are days I’m depressed and feel uncertain about the future. My friend tells me that I’m fickle, but I don’t want to be, because I know my future is secure. How can I overcome this dilemma? – F.F.
A: It’s amazing ...Read more
Isn’t this doublespeak?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I am not opposed to Christians but I am opposed to the fact that they preach God’s love, the brotherhood of man, and we are people tied together by human bonds, while saying that only Christians make up the family of God. Isn’t this doublespeak? – B.F.
A: There is a great deal of ...Read more
Is the song “Amazing Grace the personal testimony of John Newton, once a slave trader?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I’m “amazed” that the world accepts the song “Amazing Grace,” with its strong testimony of people being lost sinners and being saved by God’s amazing grace. Is this the personal testimony of John Newton, once a slave trader? – A.G.
A: In an English village, not far from Oxford and ...Read more
Why is it so wrong to put up with a little bad language to enjoy entertainment?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: My mother is legalistic and won’t allow me to watch certain shows because of the language. I hear bad language in school all the time but she doesn’t allow me to quit school. Why is it so wrong to put up with a little bad language to enjoy the entertainment? – L.W.
A: A story’s told of ...Read more
Isn’t this the purpose of a Bible study?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I am part of a televised Bible study and there are many things I question. Since I’m not a Bible scholar, I often defer to the one “teaching” the Bible. But often the instructors don’t back up their claims with Scripture. Isn’t that the purpose of a Bible study? Specifically here at ...Read more
Is reading the only way to get God to walk with me?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: How can I have a desire to read the Bible? It’s hard for me to keep my mind on what I’m reading. Reading is not something I’m good at. Is this the only way to get God to walk with me? – R.B.
A: When a person is saved, it’s of utmost importance to have a desire to be nourished from God’s...Read more
Who is God’s Son, Jesus? Is he coequal with God?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Who is God’s Son, Jesus? Is he coequal with God? – G.S.
A: Jesus is not “a” son of God but “the” Son of God. He is the eternal Son of God – the second Person of the Holy Trinity, God manifested in the flesh.
The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ had no beginning. He was never created. ...Read more
How can a Christmas tree be connected to the Bible?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I went to a tree decorating party and the hosts had selected Bible verses about various aspects of a tree. I had never heard anything like this. I never connected anything about a Christmas tree to the Bible. But one of the verses was about Jesus being a branch. I didn’t exactly grasp the ...Read more
How can a church determine someone’s heart?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: My mother told me that I am a Christian so there is no need to do anything else, just live to be kind to others and act as a Christian should. The church I am going to says otherwise and that I’m confused. I’ve been a member of the church a long time and was even baptized at this church; now I ...Read more
Can any great book about the Bible be better than the Bible?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I have recently been challenged to actually read the Word of God. I’ve grown used to reading lots of Christian books that have taken the place of reading the Bible and I think this is an epidemic. I don’t think any great book about the Bible can be better than the Bible, right? – B.B.
A: Our ...Read more
Why will people be judged for the things they do when we can’t help that we are sinners?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Why will people be judged for the things they do when we can’t help that we are sinners? Even the Bible says we’re born that way. – J.S.
A: The great London preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon was once the guest of a man who made his virtues the chief topic of conversation; but his virtues were ...Read more
Would Israel and the Arab states even know how to recognize peace?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: My heart breaks to watch the horrors of what is happening in Israel and the Arab states. I hear both sides cry for peace, but they’ve had little. Would they even know how to recognize peace? – S.P.
A: Peace carries with it the idea of unity, completeness, rest, ease and security. In the Old ...Read more
Is there hope of changing darkness to light?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: My kids say I get grumpy as Christmas approaches. I deny it, but they speak the truth. I feel dread in my spirit. When I examine my thoughts, it becomes clear. My grumpiness is because of my “to-do list”: shopping, cooking, decorating, and entertaining while pretending I’m filled with ...Read more
Does Jesus save nations or people?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Does Jesus save nations or people? I hear a lot from preachers and politicians that God cares more for particular political parties and denominations but I can’t find anything in the Bible about this. – G.S.
A: When we come to Christ we come as individuals. We alone repent of our sins; we alone...Read more
Is this Bible class legit?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: I am attending a Bible class and am learning so much, but the longer I’m in it the more I question whether it is really a Bible class. The leader is teaching not from the Bible but from a Christian book that is on the bestseller list! The author is clearly accepted by his peers – and is often on...Read more
What does it mean when the Bible talks about a time when there will be a famine of the Word of God?
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Our culture has become indifferent to famines that take place around the world. We’re barraged with advertisements and fund-raising appeals to help feed the world. While many give to this great need, most are complacent. Is this what it means when the Bible talks about a time when there will be a ...Read more