

Home & Leisure

The Carols of 2024

Lenore Skenazy on

Do you need a little Christmas right this very minute? Here you go!

'The Drone Song' (To 'There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays')

Oh, there's no lack of drones in the Jersey skies

Big as Chevys, they're everywhere you roam

In the night, there's a turnpike shining in your eyes

For those Jersey guys (and spies), it's home sweet drone

'O Kamala' (To 'O Christmas Tree')

O Kamala, O Kamala

How golden were your chances

You took the show

From Scranton Joe

And made some swift advances

You laughed your laugh and peddled joy

But then those Q&As -- oh boy

O Kamala

Face palm-ala

You're left with suits of pantses

'Let It Rain' (To 'Let It Snow')

Oh, the weather outside is tropic

So to cheer us on this topic

As they say on that plain in Spain:

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!

It doesn't show signs of stopping

On the stalks, the corn is popping

It's 80 degrees in Maine

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!

When it finally gets too hot

The oceans will sweep us away

But if you say that they will not

There's work in the Trump EPA

Oh, the old bees aren't making new bees

And Greta's smoking doobies

In my flip-flops, I can't complain:

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!

'Rudolph the Giuliani' (To 'Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer')

Rudolph the Giuliani

Had a belly full of woes

And if you ever saw him

You would see his brownish nose

All of the other Trumpsters

Danced across some moral lines

But only Mayor Rudolph's

On the hook for massive fines

Then one sad and stormy night


Donald came to say:

Rudy, though your past was bright,

Now you are dead meat. Good night.

Then all the Trump team left him

As they shouted with esprit:

Rudolph the Once-Loved Mayor

You rewrote your history

You rewrote your history!

'The Kids Love Hamas' (To 'Feliz Navidad')

The kids love Hamas

The kids love Hamas

To kids on the campus

The Jews are Krampus

They love Hamas

I wanna wish them a scary Christmas

With their friends who are terroristas

I wanna wish them a scary Christmas

And a big ol' change of heart

'Tesla Time' (To 'Silver Bells')

Soaring rockets

Bulging pockets

And a friend in DC

Plus enough kids to fill Solar City

Wall Street darling

He's got Starlink

And a certain EV

So on every bro podcast you hear:

Elon Musk, Elon Musk

It's Tesla time in the city

He's got X

He's got pecs

Soon it will be Elon's world

'The Anxious Generation' (To 'The Dreidel Song')

I have a little iPhone

I play with it all day

And even during classes

I can't put it away.

Oh, iPhone, iPhone, iPhone

I can't eat, sleep or chat

I'd like to be more present

Is there an app for that?


Lenore Skenazy is president of Let Grow, a contributing writer at, and author of "Has the World Gone Skenazy?" She also wrote The Dysfunctional Family Christmas Songbook!!! To learn more about Lenore Skenazy ( and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at

Copyright 2024 Creators Syndicate, Inc.



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