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Angel Studios/Angel Studios/TNS

Family guide to new movie releases

Parents / Parenting News /


Rated PG-13 for domestic violence/bloody images, suicide, some strong language, teen drinking, drug material and smoking.

What it’s about: Based on the true story of a troubled teen and the drama teacher who took him in.

The kid attractor factor: While it may have some appeal for teens, this is more of a dark adult drama.

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Kids feeling the 'winter blues?' Adopt these coping strategies

Parents / Parenting News /

Often called the “winter blues,” the period in January after all the holiday festivities are over is hard for a lot of people to get through. For young children, the added confusion of the sharp change in their emotions make for an especially fraught season.

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta’s Jody Baumstein, a Strong4Life licensed ...Read more

Jessica Griffin/The Philadelphia Inquirer/TNS

Philly locks up kids at one of the highest rates anywhere, despite widespread abuse in juvenile institutions

Parents / Parenting News /

PHILADELPHIA -- One morning last May, 16-year-old Abdul Anderson stood slouched against a wall at Cove Secure, a juvenile institution on the grounds of central Pennsylvania’s Torrance State Hospital. He was scheduled to be in class, but was stuck in a dayroom in a state of profound boredom.

The next moment, his head smashed into the wall ...Read more

Courtesy of Sony Pictures/Sony Pictures/TNS

Family guide to new movie releases

Parents / Parenting News /


Rated R for language throughout, sexual material and brief drug use.

What it’s about: Two best friends living in L.A. have a crazy day trying to secure their rent payment.

The kid attractor factor: The comedy will be a draw to teens

Good lessons/bad lessons: Never let your boyfriend pay your rent, have each other's backs...Read more

Eugene Gologursky/Macy's Inc./Getty Images North America/TNS

Commentary: If 'Baby Shark' represents the worst of children's music, this is the genre's best

Parents / Parenting News /

It was date night for me and my husband, the first since our daughter was born. When we returned to my mom’s house for the baby — hurriedly, being first-time parents — I heard a strange but familiar voice.

It was that of Raffi Cavoukian, known simply as “Raffi,” who rose to fame in the 1970s with such folksy, reassuring numbers as “...Read more

Brian Cassella/Chicago Tribune/TNS

Chicago's FAME Center seeks to expand its footprint and its arts programming for kids across the city

Parents / Parenting News /

CHICAGO -- South Loop’s FAME Center started in 2018 in what founder Sheila Fortson called “a broom closet” with just a few students and a piano. The nonprofit is now looking to become a major music and arts education landmark in Chicago with the purchase of a 56,000-square-foot historic building.

Matthew Thomas, 14, remembers that when he...Read more

Rico Torres/Lionsgate/Lionsgate/TNS

Family guide to new movie releases

Parents / Parenting News /


Rated R for pervasive language, some violence, drug use and sexual references.

What it’s about: A sequel to the 2018 heist movie that takes the action to Europe and the world of diamond thieves.

The kid attractor factor: Not much, this is an adult crime thriller.

Good lessons/bad lessons: As always, in crime, ...Read more

Terrence Antonio James/Chicago Tribune/TNS

New initiative makes 'Room at the Table' for breastfeeding moms at restaurants

Parents / Parenting News /

CHICAGO -- As a mom of three girls, Khallilah Watkins isn’t new to the process and preparation it takes to breastfeed a baby outside of the house.

One time with her second daughter, she had to hunker down in a restaurant bathroom for a few minutes to pump.

“That was my first experience pumping in a restaurant and inside of a smelly public ...Read more

Kenneth K. Lam/Baltimore Sun/TNS

'They just need a home:' Working to find foster care for the neediest children

Parents / Parenting News /

BALTIMORE -- Laura Hutton has taken in everyone from a baby born weighing a pound and a half to a pregnant teenager, children whose needs ranged from feeding tubes to mental health therapy.

With a background as a special education teacher, Hutton, 55, has become something of a go-to foster parent for children whose medical, emotional or ...Read more

Patrice Noel/ZUMA Press Wire/TNS

For Haiti's kids, servitude in gangs, death on the streets leave little room for a future

Parents / Parenting News /

The nine-year-old boys wearing matching knapsacks walk down the street in the morning light, but they are not going to school. In their hands are loaded guns, and the boys know how to use them. One aims his pistol at the Haitian police officers engaging them in a firefight a few hundred yards away. The children are members of one of the gangs ...Read more