Science & Technology



Sound Advice: Refurbished Integra CD changer adds value to beauty

Don Lindich, Tribune News Service on

Published in Tech Advice

Q. You recently recommended a refurbished Integra CDC-3.4 6-disc CD changer for $249 and a new Onkyo DX-C390 6-disc CD changer for $349. You seemed to prefer the Integra over the Onkyo. Was that for the beauty of the component, or did you think there was better sound quality and features with the Integra as well? I play a variety of classical, jazz, rock and folk music CDs. I just throw them in the changer and let them play.

I am looking at Amazon and they have the Onkyo on sale for $319. Would that affect your recommendation? Will I need to buy cables as well?

—P.J., Minneapolis

A. Integra is the high-end division of Onkyo and the two CD changers are very much alike, given they have the same corporate parent. If you put them next to each other you would see the family resemblance, and functionally they are pretty much identical. The Integra has better specifications and higher-end digital circuitry, but I think it would be very difficult to hear a difference between the two products unless you had tremendously good hearing and a really high-end system. Even then, it would be minor at best.

As I mentioned before I own both, and find myself liking the Integra a fair bit more. After reading your email I realized much of it is styling, as I think it is the best-looking CD changer in existence. That does count for something and the fact remains that it is considered a higher-end, higher-performing product. Right now it costs less if you do not mind getting a refurbished unit, so it's a combination of product beauty, better specifications and value. It's true you're getting a refurbished unit but I think everything tilts in the favor of the Integra. It's how I would spend my own money if I needed a CD changer, and you are still saving $70 even at the other sale price. You can see them at and The refurbished Integra CDC-3.4 is at I checked the site to confirm the factory refurbished CDC-3.4 is still available and found it has a two-year warranty, which is unusual for a refurb. Either way you won't go wrong.

You will need cables, and don't waste your money on expensive ones. The Amazon Basics RCA stereo cables are $9.99 for a 4-foot length, and the Goalfish brand is highly rated as well. A set from Goalfish is also $9.99.


Q. I missed out on the ZVOX AV855 AccuVoice soundbar and don’t want to miss the boat on the sale when it’s available again. Do you have any information that can help? I can’t stand the loud background music that seems to be on everything nowadays, that makes it hard to hear the voices! Anything that you can do to help me out would be greatly appreciated.

-D.J., Oakley, California

A. The ZVOX AV855 was a smash hit and reader feedback was overwhelmingly positive. I loved it because it combined the dialogue clarity of AccuVoice with the rich sound of a good music speaker or high-end home theater soundbar. The HDMI-ARC connection makes connection and operation simple using your TV's remote. It will be available again in the middle of May, and the way to make sure you do not miss out is to sign up on to be notified when it is available again. ZVOX has pledged to keep the price the same despite the new tariffs, with a list price of $369.99 and a $100 coupon code to reduce the price to $269.99.


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