


Retrograde Ridiculousness

Holiday Mathis on

Because it's human nature to avoid looking ridiculous, many choose vocations like health care, construction or retail, and comparatively few are in vocations such as clown. The Mercury retrograde is a fine time to lean into folly. Consider the irresistible charm of the absurd. It is often when you see someone at their most ridiculous that you truly understand the depth of your affection for them.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Even though your happiness does not hinge on another person's approval, getting a favorable reaction does tend to have a strong effect. The smallest interactions can be a thrill that sends your heart flying over the moon.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You felt it before they did, carried it quietly, let it grow in the dark. Now, as their perspective shifts, you remain steady. The difference isn't in you -- it's in what they're finally able to see. And that's just the beginning.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You can think deeply, plan ahead and attempt to outwit the fates to your heart's content, but there's an inherent paradox in experience: As much as you want to know things before we commit, the knowing comes from the commitment itself.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Relationships, conversations and creative pursuits thrive on engagement -- not just the easy, agreeable moments but the friction, the challenge, the push and pull. Don't be afraid to keep it interesting by opposing the argument. Something vibrant will come of it.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Mornings pull you toward the things that improve your life; evenings pull you toward whatever feels easiest. The trick is finding ways to make what you truly want just as effortlessly, no matter the hour.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Power that lasts -- the kind that builds rather than burns -- doesn't come from force alone. It grows from understanding, from knowing how to listen as well as lead. Today, your influence isn't about dominance but about connection.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). When things start to go awry, change the channel. Take the remote to your thoughts and flip to something lighter. Perhaps it's time to build a collection of "mental snacks" -- simple, joyful thoughts or memories that you can pull out when you need them.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You have natural social ease -- a friendliness that doesn't feel forced, as it's perfectly sync with your personality. You move through the world connecting with others in playful curiosity, making everyone's experience a little lighter.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Economy of resources is a theme. In the battle ahead, victory will depend on focus. Fewer elements will amount to a better concentration of focus. Keep it lean and mean. There's great strength in simple plans.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Love is an obstacle course, and you're up to scale the walls, navigate the twists and tunnel through to true connection. Your effort inspires theirs, trust deepens, and in the end, you both emerge stronger -- closer, wiser and victorious together.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). What feels like a mystery now is only a pattern you haven't traced yet. The pieces are scattered but they belong to the same puzzle. Look closer, listen differently -- what was once hidden will soon start speaking in a language you understand.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The more you practice finding lightness, the easier it becomes to access. It's like training a muscle. Over time, the more you make space for positive or playful thoughts, the more fluid it becomes to shift out of negative or heavy patterns.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (March 16). Here comes a blossoming of your inner world, a deepening of personal wisdom and the opening of a new season in your social swirl. The adventures keep coming in different configurations, teaching you how to navigate an array of relationships and environments. More highlights: bonding moments with family, creative breakthroughs that surprise you, and a sense of security you never expected. Scorpio and Capricorn adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 3, 8, 14, 22 and 5.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Pisces are known for excellent intuition, which perhaps is what led Lauren Graham to the perennially popular "Gilmore Girls," a show that catapulted the careers of many successful actors including Melissa McCarthy, Nick Offerman, Jane Lynch, Jon Hamm and more. The actress and author was born when lucky Jupiter was in maternal Cancer, the sign of mothers. Look for Graham in the new series "The Z-Suite."

Holiday Mathis' debut novel, "How To Fail Epically in Hollywood," is out now! This fast-paced romp about achieving Hollywood stardom is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit http://www.creatorspublishing.com for more information. Write Holiday Mathis at HolidayMathis.com.

Copyright 2025 Creators Syndicate Inc.



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