Health Advice



5 foods to eat with dinner to help with digestion

Ria Bhagwat, on

Published in Health & Fitness

At the end of the day, your long-awaited dinner is probably the only priority you’re focused on. You might scarf down a cheesy bowl of pasta or grab a fast-food sandwich on your way home. What’s hard to anticipate is your body’s reaction after you’ve finished eating — although you're done with dinner, your body is just getting started on digesting what’s inside. If that sounds a bit too familiar, consider adding a few of these hearty foods to your last meal of the day.

What happens to our body when we go to bed full?

Those who haven’t digested their food typically go to bed feeling full, and it’s quick to affect our physical and emotional well-being. “When we don’t properly digest our food because we’ve eaten too much or we’re too stressed, it can lead to disrupted sleep patterns and discomfort throughout the night, impacting our ability to wake up feeling refreshed and energized in the morning,” says certified nutritionist Elyse Wagner, a functional medicine and nutrition expert. She emphasizes its impact on our body, mind, and mood. You’re not just sacrificing your physical comfort, you’re also neglecting your mental health.

Foods to eat to help with digestion

1. Lean protein

Lean proteins—like salmon, eggs, beans, and nuts—are packed with nutrients and low-fat content that’s perfect for aiding in digestion. By mindfully consuming lean proteins, you’ll promote stomach acid during digestion that will break down food, increase your metabolism, and still leave you feeling full.

2. Ginger

While ginger might not be your go-to when it comes to dinner foods, consuming it in its many forms can help with digestion. Ginger improves our gastrointestinal motility and increases our saliva flow, meaning the more we eat, the smoother our food will digest. For example, you might end dinner by throwing back a ginger shot; it won’t be as fun, but the benefits will be well worth it.

3. Leafy greens

Leafy greens provide enough nutrients and fiber to help with digestion and fuel your body with energy. Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and arugula also contain specific sugars that promote healthy gut bacteria. The more leafy greens you eat, the more you’re setting yourself up for success.


4. Herbal teas

Not a food, but herbal teas pair perfectly with any meal. “Drinking herbal teas like ginger, peppermint, or chamomile after dinner can soothe the digestive system and promote better digestion,” says Wagner. After you’re finished with dinner, consider making yourself a hot cup of tea to relax the gastrointestinal tract and reduce any discomfort.

5. Probiotic soda

Probiotic sodas are not only flavored and delicious, they’re also great for digestion. They’re packed with fiber, help with digestion, and improve the functions of our immune system. While they shouldn’t be used as supplements for fibrous food, they’re a great way to top off that dinner you just had.

Mindfulness practices to try after dinner

You may also benefit from introducing a few mindfulness practices to your post-dinner routine: Diaphragmatic breathing, gentle stretching, and walking are all great ways to help digest food. According to Wagner, activating the diaphragm can help the body shift into a more Zen mode. Likewise, stretching and walking can center the body, relieve bloating, and promote healthy digestion.

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