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Can you bring kids inside bars in California? Liquor stores? Here's what state law says
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Watching the big game at the bar? Run out of booze for your barbecue?
You might be tempted to pop into the nearest pub or liquor store with your kids in tow.
Is that actually legal in California?
“Are kids allowed in bars, or is it only in those that serve food?” one Reddit user asked Sacramento residents in 2023.
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Rand Paul wants to strip Planned Parenthood of funding over abortion, trans health care
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, filed a bill Thursday to block all federal funds from being allocated to the reproductive health care organization Planned Parenthood.
Dubbed the “Defund Planned Parenthood Act,” the bill would simply require that “no federal funds may be made available to Planned Parenthood Federation of ...Read more

Debra-Lynn B. Hook: Snow day, New Orleans style
The giddy texts and videos came rolling in from my bundled-up sister in New Orleans on a historic day in the Big Easy.
“It’s snowing, it’s snowing, it’s snowing,” she whispered, her eyes wide in disbelief, as she stood on her front porch in a rarely worn winter hat and scarf.
In fact, it snowed on Tuesday in record amounts across ...Read more
Admitting the Truth About College Admissions
This week I was speaking to a group of K-12 educators about my usual: the need for more free time, free play, self-direction and real-world adventures/responsibilities in childhood if we want to raise happier, healthier kids.
A frustrated high school AP history teacher then raised his hand and asked: But what are we supposed to do?
Give less...Read more

Planned Parenthood of Illinois announces clinic closures amid statewide surge in abortion patients after the fall of Roe
CHICAGO — Citing a “financial shortfall,” Planned Parenthood of Illinois announced Wednesday – on the 52nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade – that it will be closing four clinics across the state, including one on Chicago’s South Side.
The health center shutdowns come as Illinois is already grappling with a surge in patients traveling ...Read more

Family guide to new movie releases
Rated PG-13 for domestic violence/bloody images, suicide, some strong language, teen drinking, drug material and smoking.
What it’s about: Based on the true story of a troubled teen and the drama teacher who took him in.
The kid attractor factor: While it may have some appeal for teens, this is more of a dark adult drama.
...Read more

Kids feeling the 'winter blues?' Adopt these coping strategies
Often called the “winter blues,” the period in January after all the holiday festivities are over is hard for a lot of people to get through. For young children, the added confusion of the sharp change in their emotions make for an especially fraught season.
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta’s Jody Baumstein, a Strong4Life licensed ...Read more

Philly locks up kids at one of the highest rates anywhere, despite widespread abuse in juvenile institutions
PHILADELPHIA -- One morning last May, 16-year-old Abdul Anderson stood slouched against a wall at Cove Secure, a juvenile institution on the grounds of central Pennsylvania’s Torrance State Hospital. He was scheduled to be in class, but was stuck in a dayroom in a state of profound boredom.
The next moment, his head smashed into the wall ...Read more

Ex-etiquette: They're still 'family' after the divorce
Q. My fiancé has a 2-year-old son and due to alternate work schedules, the child spends the days with my fiance and then nights with his mother. His ex-wife uses his mother as the main babysitter, even asking grandma to watch the child at her house because she is now attending law school and won’t be home until after bedtime. Is it wrong of ...Read more

Lori Borgman: When collectors and cleaners collide
I say that I am married to a collector because pack rat sounds unkind. My husband comes from a long line of collectors.
When they closed out the farmhouse his father lived in all his life, the lead auctioneer kicked off the three-ring, two-day auction under the main tent bellowing, "Ladies and gentlemen! The same family has lived in this house ...Read more

After a stroke at age 30, she had to learn how to walk again
Every morning at 8 a.m., Honey German calls her husband, Nuni.
He goes to work much earlier than her, so they've made a routine of touching base once Honey wakes up.
It's such a habit that when Nuni didn't get a call from Honey one July morning, he knew it was a red flag.
Nuni tried ringing her once. Twice. Three times. Four. Each call went ...Read more

Descend into depths of knowledge and madness in Lovecraftian tale
Christopher Michael‘s "Tomb of the Black Pharaoh" is a gripping tale that blends cosmic horror, historical intrigue, and psychological suspense, centering on a protagonist whose curiosity propels him into the dangerous realm of forbidden knowledge.
Beginning with the discovery of ancient relics in a dusty attic, his journey quickly spirals ...Read more

Thrilling legal showdown delivers justice, drama, razor-sharp wit
If in another life author Richard A. Danzig decided to become a standup comic, well, he could probably do a lot worse, given his spot-on talent for writing funny monologues for his comedian character Verne Slater in the recently released legal thriller, "Punch Line."
Despite what the book’s title might infer, "Punch Line" is anything but a ...Read more
Which America Will Trump Be President Of?
On Jan. 20, 2025, Donald Trump will be sworn in as president of the United States of America. But which one?
Increasingly, there's two of them, and which you live in depends entirely on how rich -- or un-rich -- you are.
In one America, you have a 401(k) or other retirement account. There's probably an automatic debit from your paycheck ...Read more
Is This Why No One Wants to Have Kids Anymore?
The online publication Parents' article "5 Ways to Support Your Child's Preschool Curriculum at Home" is not just annoying. It is WRONG, and so is the whole idea it's pushing: Kids are dumb as dumplings and don't learn anything without you, the mom (or, ha ha, dad) constantly, endlessly nattering at them.
So it tells parents: Make every moment ...Read more

Family guide to new movie releases
Rated R for language throughout, sexual material and brief drug use.
What it’s about: Two best friends living in L.A. have a crazy day trying to secure their rent payment.
The kid attractor factor: The comedy will be a draw to teens
Good lessons/bad lessons: Never let your boyfriend pay your rent, have each other's backs...Read more

Lori Borgman: Headstands are so last century
Saturday morning began with a video text of one of the grands doing a wild gymnastics routine on an exercise mat in the middle of their family room. She was lunging, flipping and cartwheeling (barely clearing the sofa, the TV and a younger sister’s head), all to the soothing strains of “Who Let the Dogs Out?”
The antics culminated in a ...Read more

Ex-etiquette: It might be time for counseling
Q. My son is 9. His mother and I broke up a year and a half ago. Although we absolutely do not get along, we have been trying to share his time. We exchange every few days. Each time he has to leave my home, I see the happy little boy slip away. Sometimes he tells me he doesn’t want to go, but he can’t tell me why. I told his mother, but she...Read more

Commentary: If 'Baby Shark' represents the worst of children's music, this is the genre's best
It was date night for me and my husband, the first since our daughter was born. When we returned to my mom’s house for the baby — hurriedly, being first-time parents — I heard a strange but familiar voice.
It was that of Raffi Cavoukian, known simply as “Raffi,” who rose to fame in the 1970s with such folksy, reassuring numbers as “...Read more

Heritage, historical fiction combine in tale of resilience against 'The Damn English'
The sweeping tale of the French Acadians in America and one family’s trials over hundreds of years of persecution is revealed in "The Acadians" by Samuel Andre Aucoin.
Aucoin mixes history and light fiction to tell the often heartbreaking story of the Acadian experience in America. Beginning with a trip to the Vietnam War Memorial in ...Read more
Inside Parents
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