Life Advice
Manners Should Come Before Efficiency
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I was watching a soap opera and one of the characters, a very proper lady, answered her granddaughter's question with food in her mouth. She did tuck the food into her cheek, and kept her mouth as closed as possible.
I actually find that acceptable -- more so than making her granddaughter wait for a response while she chewed ...Read more
You Did Not Hear This From Miss Manners
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have an older home with just one bathroom. I make sure that all personal products are off the counter when we have guests, but we've still had people snoop in the medicine cabinet and in the cupboard under the sink.
My teenaged nephew once commented loudly about finding laxatives in the medicine cabinet. Another time, he ...Read more
Relatives Won't Give Teasing A Rest
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Is there a polite way to deal with those relatives who constantly tease you, make fun of you and remind you of the stupid, mean things you did when you were young?
Naturally enough, I avoid these relatives whenever possible. But there are inevitably two or three occasions every year when I am in their presence.
I have tried ...Read more
When The Quiet Car Isn't Quiet
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have a long train journey to work each day, and I always gravitate towards the "quiet carriage." But invariably, there are some passengers who believe the rules have no application to them.
They believe that they, for no blindingly obvious reason, sit above and outside the rules. They carry on loud, pointless conversations ...Read more
Things That Shouldn't Have To Be Said
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am the mother of a trans man who transitioned in his 30s. When people I haven't seen for a while ask about my daughter, I of course tell them that he is now a man.
I've been asked what surgeries he has had, and several people have even asked me if he has a penis! I was so surprised the first time this happened that I was ...Read more