Life Advice
To Post, And To Overshare, Is Human
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Why do people, especially celebrities, feel the need to post their intimate details for all to read?
One female celeb posted about her partner's performance in bed and how good he was at it. Another posted about how bad her ex was. Does the public need to know this information?
Those who post continuously don't understand ...Read more
Friend Has Odd Approach To Gift-Giving
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I had an art show last summer, the week before my birthday. An old friend stopped by and purchased a very nice glass platter (over $150) for her daughter.
As she was paying for it, she told me that this sale was my birthday gift. I smiled and said "thank you." I didn't really know how to react.
Then at Christmas, as I opened...Read more
Manspreaders Gonna Manspread
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I'm a university professor and a woman in her early 30s. I was attending a talk and arrived late. The only place to sit was a small couch, big enough to seat two (or perhaps three, but it would be a tight fit).
A male graduate student arrived a few minutes later. He sat down and stretched out on the couch, putting an arm on ...Read more
Excessive Fundraising In The Neighborhood
DEAR MISS MANNERS: We love our neighbors, but an increasing number of them -- parents, children or both -- are appearing at our front door to sell products for fundraising purposes. We are asked to buy cookies for the Girl Scouts, popcorn for the school team, pizza for the PTA, and so on.
The money goes to good causes, and the parents are ...Read more
It's Still Harassment, Even At A 'sexy' Workplace
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am the event manager at a very sexy and trendy nightclub. We host fun parties every week.
We have a regular guest who is absolutely smitten with me, but he is not my type. I feel obligated to cordially socialize with him whenever I see him, due to the customer service standards at my job.
When it comes to relationships, I ...Read more